Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hand Washing: A Brief Life Lesson

And I mean that quite literally in many ways. At the office we are still basking in the greatness that is our water heater, especially as cold and flu season settles in. We eat up all the stories in our media as we hear how important hand washing is to prevent the spread of disease. As adults, we should be experts on hand washing, but maybe kids don't quite have the same grasp we do. This is why Kids on the Block started offering the 5-minute skit, Life Lessons: Hand Washing, as an optional add-on to all performances. The effort launched yesterday, pairing the skit with the Childhood Obesity programs in Barren County. So counselors, teachers, parents, etc., keep this in mind when you schedule your next program. Go ahead and ask us to add the Hand Washing program!

Just as a side feature for our adult readers, I've always battled with which soap is more effective: antibacterial or plain-Jane hand soap. I caught a feature on Good Morning America the other day and researched a little more, so I'll pass on my knowledge on to you.

GMA study: Basically, antibacterial soap effectively killed more bacteria only by a very thin margin. The FDA actually recommends using regular soap over the antibacterial kind for fear that strains of bacteria will begin to evolve and develop a resistance to the antibac.
I'll even link you to the video from the GMA website.

It seems to be much more important the timing and duration of the hand washing over the type of soap used. Make it count: aim for a 20 second wash. It's easy. You know the chorus of the song that you can't get out of your head? Just let that play out while you wash. Also, we know to wash after the bathroom, but don't forget to hit the sink before you eat, touch your eyes, handle an animal, make food, and when around sick people.
And if for some reason you or someone you know thinks the 20 seconds is time wasted, turn it into a pampering experience. Pair the wash with a creamy lotion. Your hands will thank you this winter when dry skin season comes blowing in!

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